Sunday, July 11, 2010

Coming Out Black: Observations from Wanda

Wow. I can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything here. I've been distracted. Today, I was surfing the net and came across this cool website called Blog Catalog. It's a collection of everything under the blogosphere in one location. So I had to join. Well, apparently they're going to have a live person read my blog, so I just knew I better post something now. I'll start trying to post something at least once a week again.

The thing I like most about comedy, is that when it's done well it subliminally sends some message or teaches some lesson, about humanity. Yesterday I was looking at clips on YouTube and came across some Wanda Sykes clips from her HBO show I'ma Be Me, (which I have not seen). Generally, I like Wanda. But I wouldn't consider myself an avid fan. These particular clips though, are really good. So I thought I'd share them for your enjoyment. They are all very short.

Coming Out Black (2:15):

Organ Donation & Cremation (0:46):

Reverse Discrimination (0:56):

Respecting the President (2:00): (Don't miss the punchline on this one.)

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